

Awake again

I have been complaining that there is no good music with positive, happy and even Christian content... Finally my constant winge was answered with Laurell. This amazing singer/songwriter geniesse (yes I did just make up a feminine form of genius... its a blog; I can do whatever I want!) who satisfied my longing for some real.good.music.

Watching her play and sing was like a wake up call for me to pick up music again. (eyeroll) My blessing and curse.

I know its shameful but I rarely actually buy cds. I have a reason: one of my computer science teachers told me that if I purchase a cd most of the money goes to the manufacturers and the record labels and virtually nothing goes to the actual artist themselves. Being like 12 at the time, I believed him wholeheartedly and decided that I would not be the one to further this injustice. I would boycot buying compact discs. NOW, I realize that selling albums is actually essential for an artist to become even remotely successful, so I buy albums that are FULL of GOOD music by up and coming artists. I'll download (ooooooooooooooooo) music that i've heard on the radio and give it a try but truthfully, I rarely keep something like that for more than a week or two if i don't REALLY like it. My point: I REALLY like Laurell enough to buy THREE of her albums in ONE SHOT!!! So, pat on the back girl, you are something else.
